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First he was to book some cinema tickets for the evening and second to write an email to Jess describing exactly what he would like her to do to him this evening. Jess had no intention of following his request, not unless it suited her anyway, but she knew the very fact that he would have to think of what he wanted and then write it down would drive him crazy all day. Sure enough, George spent the day trying to prevent the discomfort of not being able to achieve a full erection from happening too often ? he wasn?t very successful. When the time came to leave work, George?s underwear was soaked through, he was quickly realising just want his fantasies had let him in for. Still, he was really enjoying being teased and couldn?t wait to please Jess again. They met up for a drink after work again before heading off to the cinema. Jess teased him gently on meeting up but other than that conversation was as normal as any other couple. As they sat down for the film however Jess couldn?t help. ”I looked at Zari’s hips, “like me and Zari and you and Samantha?”Samantha giggled, “now you are really making me aroused.”Zari looked back, “yes and no. Not two couples separated but linked.”Storm growled, “both males mate with both females.”I glanced at Samantha and down her body and she blushed, “yeah that sounds fun too.”Zari held up her hand and we became silent. I moved past her and started up the bank and Storm followed. I dropped and crawled over the lip and stopped to look at the buildings. The huge shuttle was parked and strange reptiles wearing skirts were loading people into cages one at a time. Storm hissed, “hunt cages.”I looked at him and he gestured, “see the ones holding the weapons?”I nodded and he glanced at me, “they are the females. The males only carry knives.”I looked at my rifle and then at his, “okay.”I gestured and we crawled back and turned. I looked at Samantha and Zari and then Storm, “we split up in pairs. You and Samantha stay here and crawl to the edge.
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